Dear Dr. IT,
I have download PRESENT v2.5 and TEDDY BEAR PRO that you suggest and I don’t know why it isn’t work? Plus, I install APOLOGIES PREMIUM v8.0 and it still not work out... Thus I try to delete SCANDAL PRO v7.0.5 and still my laptop wasn’t show any better; and yet, SCANDAL PRO v7.0.5 can’t be remove due to the software is in use... Now I don’t know what to do, then I come out to install FUTSAL PETANG-PETANG v5.3,YAHOO MESSENGER BETA, and ESPN_AT_CAFE BAWAH v7.0… It’s really worked and I enjoyed all those new software... One more thing, FINAL EXAM v1.0 is recommended me to update due to the trial version is nearly out of date... The problem is, it required additional software RAJIN PREMIUM SUITE and STUDY GROUP PROFESSIONAL v8.5.5 that I don’t have yet because the download speed signal at my place is very low... Would you figured out what is my best option to run out my laptop at her best rate? Thanks in advance...
I come out to conclusion why PRESENT v2.5 and TEDDY BEAR PRO you install isn’t worked out… This is because you still can’t uninstall SCANDAL PRO v7.0.5; it is unidentified software that threads your laptop’s performances thus make it slower and hibernates by itself… Now I recommended you to download antivirus that is LAST CHANCE TRIAL v9.5.5… It’s only trial but I enclosed a premium key within… Try to install and delete SCANDAL PRO v7.0.5 as fast as possible… Settle of that, next about the trial version of FINAL EXAM v1.0... You should get those RAJIN PREMIUM SUITE and STUDY GROUP PROFESSIONAL v8.5.5 because this software helps to shield you from virus and threads such as SLEEP EARLY&WAKEUP LATE.exe and MAIN-MAIN.exe… You also should less use FUTSAL-PETANG-PETANG v5.3, YAHOO MESSENGER BETA, and ESPN_AT_CAFE BAWAH v7.0 because it use lots of CPU memory, and make your laptop loss it battery’s life… Anyhow, I just create new freeware that I recommended you to try… It is AL-QURAN PORTABLE and JEMAAH DI SURAU v1.0.0…
Good Luck…
kakinote : bkn rekaan---it's reality~~!