No gaussian~no vector

Feb 24 - sweet home sweet avenue~~!salam.. & good day~~!.. I'm not in the mood actually.. ain't gonna talk much then.. lousy day isn't it?.. it's cloudy and shadow outside been periodically whole day within..
bla bla & bla..
first things first~~!
tomorrow.. placed primary,
Death *i mean* Math 3 Phase Test.. adooyai..300-500 p.m.. as usual ladies, I'm ain't prepared a single things and still 'play-play'~~! hehheh~~ prediction~~! No Gaussian, No Vector~~
*so rilek2 la dlu*
haih..gonna end and shed the talk..I'm even can't speak coherently at this state.. plenty kind of entry I'm thought of, but ain't ready to posting yet.. until then, that's for now..daa~~

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